Shri Balaji Institute Pune is an admission and Counselling Centre for various government recognised universities. We serve as a point of contact for the regular and distant education programs offered by various boards and universities.
Are the courses offered by SBIP recognized?
Yes, all courses are recognized by UGC, Ministry of HRD, and Govt. of India.
What do you mean by distance education?
Distance education refers to education that enables learners to study or take up a course
without being present physically for the course. It refers to education imparted remotely with
the help of modern communication technology.
How the distance courses are delivered?
Distance learning programs offered by SBIP are learner centric, that allows learner to learn at
their own pace, using distinct delivery methods like self-study materials, e-learning resources,
live and recorded video lectures etc.
Which all courses I can take in distance mode?
Whether the degree acquired through distance mode is equivalent to the degree acquired through regular mode?
The Degrees/ Diplomas/ Certificates awarded for programmes conducted in distance mode
should be treated as equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Degree/ Diploma/
Certificate of the traditional Universities/ Institutions in the country. UGC vide its letter dated 14.10.2013 has clarified the above matter to all Higher Educational
Institutions. The letter is uploaded on UGC website and can be accessed at the following link:
Is the certificate we get, a valid one? Will I get a job? Is the Certificate Valid abroad?
Yes. This certificate is valid to get job anywhere in the world. For more details you can check MPSC and UGC website.
Can I apply for further studies in Pune University after graduation course from SBIP?
Yes. You can check the list of approved universities in Pune University’s Eligibility Circular,
which is issued by the university every year.
Does SBIP offer any full-time course or all the courses are offered through distance learning?
Yes, we offer distance as well as regular learning programmes of various universities.
Why should I take up a regular course in a university offered by SBIP?